Original Post
i need free toricredits or items
i need free toricredits or items if anyone can give me free stuff email me and send the trade

can i get banned from from this if i ask to have free stuff

if i can then im sorry and i wont do it any more
donate to me if you want to
What belt are you?

Lots of things are free you just need to look
You can win a free head.

Then get a free texture for your head in the market
then do some events that are free to get in and win with your skill

And you don't "NEED" them you want them and kids in Africa don't need food because they will make more starving kids.
Last edited by Squid; Feb 6, 2008 at 10:31 PM.
dont beg, it makes you look like an annoyance.

instead earn the money ur self, or make freainds with those who u think would be willing to help u out in a situation like this.

Originally Posted by Squid View Post
What belt are you?

Lots of things are free you just need to look
You can win a free head.

Then get a free texture for your head in the market
then do some events that are free to get in and win with your skill

Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
dont beg, it makes you look like an annoyance.

instead earn the money ur self, or make freainds with those who u think would be willing to help u out in a situation like this.

that, and you dont Need that stuff, you just want it
I need 100k tc! Nevermind that I have a head already and arm tex and acid force and what not. Everyone needs free stuff!
You know what? You can have a a whole 0.99 tc free! Enjoy!