Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Spontaneus Human Combustion ?
Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) describes alleged cases of the burning of a living human body without an apparent external source of ignition. While there have been about 200 cited cases[1] worldwide over a period of around 300 years, most of the alleged cases are characterized by the lack of a thorough investigation, or rely heavily on hearsay and oral testimony. In many of the more recent cases, where photographic evidence is available, it is alleged that there was an external source of heat present (often cigarettes), and nothing occurred "spontaneously."
Many hypotheses attempt explanations for the various cases of human spontaneous combustion. These generally fall into three groups:
  • Paranormal explanations (e.g., a ghost or divine intervention)
  • Natural explanations based on an unknown and otherwise unobserved phenomenon (e.g., production of abnormally concentrated gas or raised levels of blood alcohol cause spontaneous ignition)
  • Natural explanations that involve an external source of ignition (e.g., the victim dropped a cigarette)
Objections to natural explanations typically refer to the degree of burning of the body with respect to its surroundings. Indeed, one of the common markers of a case of SHC is that the body—or part of it—suffered an extraordinarily large degree of burning, with surroundings or lower limbs comparatively undamaged.
What are you guys thinking about this?

Well here a picture about SHC


I'm out

Wtf? that image is a bit isn't possible that suddenly fire stops to burn's possible only that someone or something (like strong wind) stop that process......

it also possible that the guy was dressing a polyester cloth. you know that this kind of material can produce static electricity, so that spark, for some reasons, hitted the man's polyester cloth and it started to burn (plastic burn easly).....
Well the guy on the picture was has shc
Hes burned without any reasons
Google it for more picture
Im dont wanna be banned for share Violent pictures :S
I'm out

Well, obviously the pixies are to blame.
Think about it. What do we know about pixies?
1. Although small they are airborne, which allows them to come in contact with any part of human body.
2. The dust they emit during flight is glowing, which means it's probably hot. It's not unreasonable to assume it can ignite flammable materials upon contact.
3. They can not be seen by most people, especially sane sober adults whose hearts are hardened by reality. As it happens, no one has seen any pixies around alleged SHC victims. Coincidence? I think not.

I think this is a solved mystery, gentlemen. I don't see how the concrete evidence I presented leaves any room fir doubt.