In the beginning, there were once two great fighters (later joined by a third of their kind) who fought and served under the lordships of several distinguished organizations. Only to find out that they were all ultimately setups and cons. Disappointed and with nothing left, the fighters decided to form an unbreakable bond together, and rule by their own demands. Thus they decided to form a Ruthless Clan: A group of warriors with the soul ambition of showing no mercy, fighting till every last drop of blood is spilled from the enemy. Punching, slicing, and dominating their way to ultimate glory; these fighters do not stand in fear when faced by the giants of life. Instead they laugh and continue to maul the enemy to death until satisfaction is reached.
Desire, Skill, Honor, and Ungodly Rage-These are the virtues that combine the ultimate combination of what people call today:
Anti-Gods(leader)- Qwerty9566 & Gidonzo
Psychopath- Bloodjockey
Serial Killer-Reiel, TiaKills
Murderer- Genshin
No spamming
No consistent swearing
Must be over the age of 12 (or have a good maturity level)
Must Post at least twice a week
Pm inactivity to Qwerty9566
Must speak English
Get 5 Allies[X]
Get 10 Allies[]
Get 20 Fighters[]
Make awesome Clan video[]
Get Official [] (status:1.3k)
Belt (Must be Brown or over):
Best mods:
Favorite color:
Favorite Animal:
We are a clan that loves Toribash and prides our self in showing the most strength and brutality in every replay. Basically, a clan of fun, the most we want from this game is fun. For those who focus too much on winning eventually fall and become angered not only with their-self but with anything around them. This causes great sorrow and pain, keep this in mind when playing.
Pm Gidonzo for skype connections
Bank: RuthlessBanker
Clan Tag: [RTS]
Last edited by qwerty9566; Apr 10, 2011 at 11:21 AM.