Original Post
[Immortal] Is Recruiting now!

Post name
Best mod
Are you loyal to one clan ...?
Previous clans ,why you quite.
special skills like art of ,movies, ex...
Why this clan is perfect for you.
Most important state if you are active in forum
Also state your GTM and the time you play Tb.
Name: Liem
Best mod: akido (still Not very Good)
Are you loyal to one clan: Never Had one
Previous clans; none
special skills: None
Why this clan is perfect for you: It's a clan
Most important state if you are active in forum: Kinda Just started trying though
Also state your GTM and the time you play Tb: -4 not at any given Time
I'm Back Baby
Post name: namoo
Best mod: wushu,lenshu, fun mods mwahahaha
Are you loyal to one clan ...?: sure! u know me ;)
Previous clans ,why you quite, ninja, death, armored core,ando so on... uhm... because of inactivity and at ninja and armored core the clan leader was somehow dumb ;)
special skills like art of ,movies, ex...: i tryed art but was dumb so ... nothing?^^
Why this clan is perfect for you.: the leader is gay for me like many guys^^
Most important state if you are active in forum: dont understand the question
Also state your GTM and the time you play Tb. : GMT +1 , no specific times, after 17.00 o clock and not every day
uhm... is someone watching at the dsc?`
tell me if i should search some other players to join^^

sry for double post