Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: Official?
2 Votes / 3.77%
No - Do not see them ingame often enough
29 Votes / 54.72%
No - Do not know of the members
8 Votes / 15.09%
No - Lacks proper organization
14 Votes / 26.42%
Voters: 53. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
[Poll] Gods of Wrath
Here's the link to their DSC topic, it kinda got buried under all the other threads here.

Vote yes or no, but I've added more than one kind of no, I may or may not be doing this in future polls.

Edit: The different kinds of "no" are there so that they know what to work on to become official later. You'll notice "no new clans" isn't up there. That's not a good reason to say no.
to be honest i vote no to all 3 of these things.
The fact they havn't got all their members on their latest Members List shows bad organisation and it also means I do not know of the members (as I don't know some of them are, and I've never heard of the ones on the list).
For the see them ingame often, I think I may have seen 1 or 2 but I didn't really take notice of them, showing that they are nothing special.

I think they should wait a bit before having a poll.
a clear no, never saw them except their leader, i don't like their leader and they fail at organization too
Originally Posted by ManBreakfast View Post
You'll notice "no new clans" isn't up there. That's not a good reason to say no.

No, because I dont know them is even worse.