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Telescope or Microscope?
Which benefited science/society more?
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
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I think that the microscope had more benefit in terms of medical science, because people began to understand in greater detail what they were made up of. It also helped in terms of genetic engineering, which also is a part of medicine.

The telescope was more a stepping stone towards development in science, as it set new frontiers for people and made people think further than just earth.

So I think that the microscope was more of a help towards society, but the telescope mad people think beyond what they thought were our limits.

(Also, isn't this in the wrong thread, shouldn't it be in discussion, just wondering)
Drinking coffee and not contributing to society are just two of my many talents.
Originally Posted by C4MP4 View Post
(Also, isn't this in the wrong thread, shouldn't it be in discussion, just wondering)

Nope was originally in wibbles but I had Ishi move it here.
Back on topic

I think you correct in therms of allowing people to expand their minds past just Earth and when it first was around it did exactly that. So much so that facts which are proven in todays society but not in thiers were dismissed and not believed. I think the Telescope pulled the mind away from reality.
In terms of science and society I think you have the two mixed up.

The microscope allowed people to see unblievable things and actually hepled prove evolution (along with many other "things") and benefited science more than any other invention we see or have today. Microscopes allow us to see unimaginably small particles. This allowed us to study how chemicals and bonds were held together and broken down.
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
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Both are important for science/society
With the telescope can see more about your world, planets, stars, etc, so you can learn more.
The microscope benefits to medicine.

I do not know if one benefits more than the other, but I am sure they are equally important
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Originally Posted by Master5000 View Post
Both are important for science/society
With the telescope can see more about your world, planets, stars, etc, so you can learn more.
The microscope benefits to medicine.

I do not know if one benefits more than the other, but I am sure they are equally important

Agreed. I think that with the microscope, science/society has evolved. Scientists and biologists discovered that all living things are made of cells. They have also learned a wonderful amount of knowledge about substances, elements, insects, living organisms, and many other things.

The telescope has contributed to science/society by teaching us about the infinite amount of stars, planets, galaxies, and solar systems. Also, we have learned that there are no boundaries to the universe.

So yes, I believe that both have contributed to society.

Although ishi is an awesome guy, it's still not toribash related, therefor goes in discussion.

I think Microscope was more useful, but the telescope was just for fundamental research.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
I think overall, the Microscope has helped the advancement of mankind far more than the telescope. It's led to medicinal and electrical (E.g. silicon wafers) achievements far greater than the astrological and xenological (is this a word?) impact of the telescope. We are led to wonder at the length and girth of the universe, and to laughter at the length and girth of the bacterium. (pun.) In all seriousness, the telescope has led to more questions about the universe, while the microscope has yielded far more answers.

Thus, microscope is greater, IMO.
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
I mean both can't be used to find AlphasoniK's penis, so yeah, but i chose microscope, it has done more for us on a personal level, such as medicine and such.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
There isnt a tool known to mankind that can find something that complex.
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
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That question is just simplified to: our skies or anything with a/many cell(s).
In that case, the microscope has done far more good than the telescope. We could live without knowing much about the sky, but without knowing much about our selves, we wouldn't be who we are today.