replays are good, there are some effects, but this video is just too laggy...
I didn't like it... 5/10
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
You are recording it in too low fps, record in as high fps as possible then the slow motion will be smooth like a dream 5/10
wow nice,iam just saying nice replay and nice moved and nice the first message
yeah i think is laggy, i hate that laggy
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Low fps with a somewhat bad camerawork( this might be caused by fps I guess), bad intro, bad visuals, mediocre replays, no sync, no transition, bad music, short length and I don't like the shader too much ( might be a personal preference).

Basically random replays with a random song in a random order.

1/10 from me, I can't find anything good here.
nah, i stik 2 ma replays
lol the community has really gone up it own arse lately,so bitchy. thanks to those who gave mature feedback
Pretty cool for that movie. I like it it is alright but still an 3/10 caused of lagg.

Also what music is it i realy like the music!