Best rpg you have ever played?
There are threads like this, but the answares are usually the same.
I dont play wow, ive tried it, i hated it.
I dont like the massproduced mmo games nowadays, it was revolutinary when blizzard released wow 2004, games evolves, and games evolves without wow.
So lets do it this way,
What is the best rpg you have ever played on any console?
you are free to Write a list.
Im doing this so i might get some new ideas etc about some games i might have missed.
Here is my favorite rpg's of all time.
* Lufia(1)(2) - Both were released on Snes
* Final fantasy 3 - 6 - 7 - 9 - 10
3 were released on snes whle 6 - 7 - 9 were released on ps1, 7 are also released on pc. 10 are on the ps2.
*Suikoden 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 , personally one of the best rpg series ever made, worth diamonds! 1 and 2 were released on the ps1 and rest on the ps2
*I really must say elder scrolls morrowind and oblivion aswell, i love it.
Morrowind is avalible on pc and oblivion is avalible on... everything... lol
I will probably update this list when i thought of it some more.