Original Post
New edited replays^^ yay
Made some new edited replays... Number 3 is a christmas must see ^^
Number 1 is nothing but kewl looking :P
Number 4 is just a tweak of number 3^^
Attached Files
weee.rpl (23.4 KB, 42 views)
Superkick.rpl (16.4 KB, 42 views)
RUDOLF!!YAY.rpl (20.8 KB, 45 views)
RUDOLFGONEMAD!LOL.rpl (25.9 KB, 46 views)
Re: New edited replays^^ yay
Morph: it lets you edit what happens in the replays, like.. tearing your leg off and fireing the foot like a rpg and blowing uke up, theres a nice tut for it somewhere.. i cba to find it.

Daedra: the site would crash and half of the intarwebs would go offline.
