You can't compare computer drawings and paper drawings, as comp drawings are much harder to make.
Believe it or not, but this is not true. You don't have good undo option when u draw something on paper, after constant erasing and fixing u basically ruin your work. On computer, (even if u don't have tablet u can manipulate nodes in some vector program) it's more easier.
Coloring: Layers! Layers saves the day.
On paper: Coloring... Ups, I spill some red, shit, noo, will I manged to cover it, nooo... fail. *paper tossed into garbage - Back to the drawing board.
Only when u became so good at it, to not make mistakes, paper is better. It's better for practicing also. But later, when u start doing digital art, u also start to distance from paper/pen thing. Because it's comfortable, fast and you lose your hair less. :P