Horrible, bad choice of replays and effects you used 1 effect most;y threw the whole vid, also you need to fade in threw shaders or else it looks bad.
Bad Shader transitions
Still laggy when slowed down
Shake was overkill
Replays are too fast
Crazy Freecam
Waaay overused song
Intro was bad, and slow.
Some good replays, most boring, though it's not like I could see too many of them. Too fast.

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Very, very bad video yet again. Some of the recent videos made by people who have never made a vid were much better than this one.

You need to put more effort into video making if you want to make something good. There was no sync, replays weren't great, transitions were bad but the effects, camera shake, and most of the camerawork were just horrible. The only good things here are that the shaders you used looked nice and the song was decent.

Originally Posted by warr33 View Post
What is sync?

Its when the beat matches to the video

I dont know what so many people have about this video I think its not overkill
but okay good replays )TEO your favorite satanist
Originally Posted by warr33 View Post
What is sync?

Is when you make the music and video, in this case tori replays blend together so say if someone kicked off Uke's head and the song had a drum bang that would go together nicely.

Sorry If i am mistaken but i believe i am right.

The video was good i didn't like that you changed the background and you kept on changing the guys on the screen.
you didn't Sync it at all i didn't really like the song.

Not the best replay i've seen.
Try adding some more effects that go with the video.
There was no sync.
Make better replays.
You made some parts too slow, and some parts too fast. Try finding a compromise within the replay lengths.