Christmas Lottery
Original Post

These are PACKS not sets

Last edited by ImYou; Mar 11, 2011 at 05:31 AM.
I Like Drugs
No its because I had made a deal with gum with them but the deal dident work out so I made this thread.
I Like Drugs
The rule is 1 shop at a time. Give me a link to the other shop and i'll close it. Consider this as a warning.
Basically, you can not close the 2 auctions until the end date has been reached because people have allready bid on it. Up until people bid on it you can edit it all you want and close it. But now that you have closed it because you dont like the prices the other thread. That infringes upon the rules.
Originally Posted by Toast View Post
Basically, you can not close the 2 auctions until the end date has been reached because people have allready bid on it. Up until people bid on it you can edit it all you want and close it. But now that you have closed it because you dont like the prices the other thread. That infringes upon the rules.

Sorry, I misunderstood it the first time around. Once people have bid on your auction, you cannot deny their bid. You have to give it to them if they win, you cant just close it. Reopened the auctions, closing this.