Original Post
[QS]Deactivated for 5k
Radioactive blood
Amber blood
bronze blood
Chronos blood
aqua torso
gaia dq
aqua left leg motion trail
juryo primary gradient
orc grip

All for 5k first come first serve

no haggles
I Like Drugs
all for 4k

Tinerr Moderated Message:
User infracted for this post (ignoring rules).
Last edited by Tinerr; Mar 12, 2011 at 06:26 PM.
Lol can you read NO Haggles

its a great deal

amber blood sells for 3k alone and radioactive sells for 2999tc or lower (3k in shop and in stock)bronze blood 1k so the bloods alone make it worth 7k
I Like Drugs
4287 tc?? deal or no??

User was infracted. Not reading the first post properly and ignoring rules set by the OP. ~Meamme0
Last edited by Meamme0; Mar 12, 2011 at 06:23 PM.
yes camo force radio lax and ghost for all (i was about to go and buy one)

give me 10 mins to get like 17 qi.

/jo quick qi

so I can get some quick qi for the camo.
Last edited by ImYou; Mar 12, 2011 at 04:35 PM.
I Like Drugs