Nice, i like the idea, and its elegant, 9/10 (i think u should try and add some details to the hair and feet, im no expert though)
[Dragon Ruler] [Help me :D]
Well one,
the head looks nothing like tron, two its armour doesn't have a glow it has no detail and there is random writing on the visor...
I don't like
he said maybe because it quite reassembles the armor of tron xD it wouldnt be original if it just were a copi of the other armor, and yeah the writing on the face isnt nice :/
[Dragon Ruler] [Help me :D]
very nice!

But don't make these sets anymore...
masterx3 (a user) is already using a similar set like this one made by kamura
another person wolf...(something) is also using a similar one..
I don't know but may be plagrism
The set looks cool but seriously...that head looks dunno...childish?Change that face inside the helmet becuz its making the set look bad.
message originally posted by GOD