Original Post
Sparring Replays Here
Hey, guys! I'm going to start a sparring replay thread.


1. Now, I don't want anyone feeling bad, because of bad ratings on their replays. So no ratings, please.

2. If you see a cool replay from a post, and you want to learn, or spar with the person who posted the replay, you can ask them if they want to spar together sometime.

3. Only multiplayer spars.

4. Enjoy.

I'll go first.
Attached Files
Thunder vs Usamark.rpl (830.5 KB, 16 views)
[SPARTA] Member | RSO | No Clan Currently | | Wanna spar? PM me. | I'm a poor Tori (120 TC's)Help me out!
Sweet. I forgot to mention, If you want to spar soon, you can send me the time when you're not busy to me in a private message to my account. K?
[SPARTA] Member | RSO | No Clan Currently | | Wanna spar? PM me. | I'm a poor Tori (120 TC's)Help me out!
Aw, crap. Thanks for noticing that, Shuckle.
I'll post the thread again in the multiplayer replays soon.
Thread closed.
[SPARTA] Member | RSO | No Clan Currently | | Wanna spar? PM me. | I'm a poor Tori (120 TC's)Help me out!