Original Post
fire avvys
im making some fire avvys, pics, textures

submission request form
size: xxx by xxx pixels (nothing smaller than 60 pixels either side)
specific things: names, colors, etc.
fire size: small, large, medium... lol
fire color: self explanitory
smoke: yes or no (free)

price ranges from 30-110tc depending on size and difficulty
rarely will go above 100tc

this one would cost about 60 tc because of size

be the envy of your friends!(until they buy one)
Last edited by littlenooby; Mar 4, 2008 at 03:36 PM.
Hmm magma, i know your my friend but, thats why hes selling them so cheap. its probably very easy
<MaddMaxx10> I used to not have a life <MaddMaxx10> I do now
<stonewall> and so you're here <stonewall> yeah, perfect sense
you should try to do some more professional...
so more people buy it and you get more tc...

Originally Posted by juo View Post
Note that EvilKnebl made that for me!
He is a very good artist.
Contact EvilKnebl for all your phtotoshop needs!

Ehh, needs more effort, It's very easy to do, If you're using photoshop, I suggest using the Liquify instead of smudge, to use liquify, go to Filter>Liquify

:3 Hope I helped