Original Post
Ideas Galore!
Ok guys, Remember about 2 weeks ago when I said that I was going to post something amazing? Well today is that day. Having to think out what exactly was going to happen I have a few ideas that might just make UNCE one of the better clans in Toribash.

Now this set of ideas is called UNCE Dreamz™

First one is:


Well, you know how we have the Activity Check? Well this is 10 times as good as that. Uncessions are when we call in Activity Check that the clan has to meet in the UNCE server for atleast 10 minutes. 10 minutes is very little to ask for. But, the old way to do this was to go onto the forums and post right? Well, to check who is active and who isn’t I will record who shows and who doesn’t. If somebody doesn’t show they have a day to pm a Leader with a time and server to meet up in for at least 10 minutes.

Second one is:


We have these tourneys that we attend. And lets take for instance the Clan Representatives Tournament. Why not have different divisions for UNCE. So we have a representative for each mod. Not just ones that everybody plays such as Judo, Wushu, and Taek Kyon, this is for all mods. The only similarity that I see this with is the Army thread. But, because I am in love with setting up stuff like this I can make it 5 times better.

Third one is:

Unusual Notion of Creative Expressions©:

I realize that we are invite-only at the moment, but why not explore the possibilities of seeing what talent we would get in if we weren’t invite-only. So lets say that somebody wants to join the clan using the old system. They would be tested in their best mode and our best mode and it would be best 2 out of 3. Our new system says that we recruit anybody that we know is good gets in automatically. I personally dislike that, they could be an outstanding player and have a foul mood. So, to go around this speed bump I have come up with something else. It’s a combination of seeking players to be in the clan and players that would like to join. Anybody who wants to join the clan has to give 500-1000 credits in order to get in. If they do not have that amount yet then they can’t be in as they haven’t even gotten 250 wins. So, they pay that amount and they take a quiz of ours and give us their results in a post of theirs in the thread where the quiz will be taken. Everybody already in UNCE will come up with a question to ask the person who is joining. The questions can range from “Are you responsible?” to “What’s your favorite food?” It’s your decision. Just know that the questions you give will result in the player that we receive.

Fourth and Fifth one are:

Rewind© and Replay©:

Rewind© is something that we will do once a month it will consist of members posting something good and or bad that has happened to them in that month. Members will discuss and get to know eachother just that much better.

Replay© will be a way to make sure that the members in the clan are still as good as they were when they joined. They will meet in the UNCE server and will play for an hour. If we see any decline in somebody’s skill then they will most likely end up being booted. This will also be monthly and on the same day as the post of the Rewind and will last till 5 o’clock Eastern time on the Sunday of that weekend. The meet-ups will be each day of that weekend consisting of the day for members to come in and out to play. If and when they play they will be marked down for showing up which goes back to the Uncessions.

All of the ideas above are interlinked in some crazy way. I have made them specifically for that reason. If you like any of the ideas above please vote in the poll at the top for which ones you liked. If you liked more than one please mark in the polls as so. In a post please suggest any changes and or criticism that you have against them.

Thank You UNCE for Reading.
Last edited by Blam; Mar 2, 2008 at 05:14 PM.
I don't like the replay because if they see a decline in SKILL?! then you get kicked because you aren't playing as good. That doesn't sound very nice.

And I don't like the uncessions because what if I'm playing my xbox and I don't get to make it or if I'm at some where when we have to do it? That doesn't sound very nice either.

Other than that, it's good.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
yeah i dont like the replay because of the decline in skill part, because it is saying you have to be as good as you usually are, and if you have an off day. you are fucked.
Goodmonkey, did you read what I typed at all?

The answer to your first question is, it's a weekend thing. So, even if you are having an off day you have the rest of the weekend to come in for an hour. Once you have played for an hour you are marked down with either a check or x. Check being good and X being bad.

The answer to your second question is, if you can't show up then you just pm Blam or myself with a server and time. Whoever can make it will show up.

Uncession is basically to prove that you really are active enough to come into the server. Posting saying "i iz herzorz!" takes a couple seconds. So, to actually see if you are active you have to come into the server. If you disagree with that then maybe you may be inactive yourself and are trying to deny the fact that you know you won't be able to show up. That isn't my problem. These will soon enough be implemented into a understandble form so that people like you won't be confused.

I hope that helped. Now if you will excuse me I am going back to being bored.
Sounds perdy good.
Last edited by rawksonic; Mar 2, 2008 at 09:01 PM.
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At the point of you contradicting yourself again maybe think before posting? Yeah, that sounds good.
