Original Post
[R]Make this avvy transparent
Paying 5k, it's not much. Neither is this.

Try to avoid quality loss please. Good luck!
Ill have this done in a dew minutes.
By the way it is hard. You have to remove the background on every single frame.

Its all messed up because of the way it was made. Without it have a white background, it looks like that. Sorry but no editing job will fix that.
Last edited by Bloob; Mar 30, 2011 at 10:35 PM.
Try this out. Not sure if I did it correctly. D:

EDIT: It didn't. must try again.

EDIT2: Read above. That's EXACTLY how mine looked.
Last edited by Fathomless; Mar 30, 2011 at 10:39 PM.
Originally Posted by Bloob View Post
Ill have this done in a dew minutes.
By the way it is hard. You have to remove the background on every single frame.

Its all messed up because of the way it was made. Without it have a white background, it looks like that. Sorry but no editing job will fix that.

i was halfway done about an hour after he posted. but couldnt be arsed to finish because of that ..

Originally Posted by Star View Post
Couldn't you remove the doubled up bits on the next frame?

well, if someone can send me the layers i know a way to do that. lets say 2k/8k bloob? 8k for you 2k for me.
i pm'ed blooping with the same image.

so thats 2k for me please and 8k for bloobie over there ^^ please save it asap, because im going to delete it tommrow or a bit later.

you can send the money, if you want any change in his movement just pm me and ill do it for free. its very easy to manipulate. just couldnt be arsed in cutting it.