Christmas Lottery
Original Post
With whom do you identify yourself? :)
Is there a famous person with whom you feel identified? Why?
Forum or real life :3
Oldschool / M5k / Contact KiTFoX
I'm back
Why to identify with someone else? Be yourself. Don't look at others. Screw the opinion, either good or bad, you will be yourself.
I sometimes identify myself with characters in movies because of their views, personality and what not.
That got nothing to do with not being yourself or something like that. It just means that you consider someone a some sort of alter ego.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
Why to identify with someone else? Be yourself. Don't look at others. Screw the opinion, either good or bad, you will be yourself.

I absolutely agree.
But i just don't see much of that nowadays.
Stupid celebrities.People act like all the famous people are perfect and pure. Or am i mistaken?
my ears are full of shrek
Not acting like the person that you want to be would be the wrong thing to do, so I would say I am simply Brandon.

I would not want to act any other way.
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
Welcome. Off-topic is a board meant for less-than-completely-serious debate, idea sharing, news linking, et cetera. All these things which get posted in Discussion, but which most members that participate in Discussion don't really feel that they are suitable to a forum of the type Discussion currently is (Read: Debate). This means you can post some stuff you find interesting or new or cool here.

I think you're missing the point of Off-topic Master5000.
Correct me if I'm wrong anyone who cares.
Originally Posted by Alan View Post
I think you're missing the point of Off-topic Master5000.
Correct me if I'm wrong anyone who cares.

I assumed this thread was Wibbles material, but 16 hours later and with PLENTY of active mods I guess I was wrong.