Secret Santa 2024
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A bully victim stands up to his bully.
This is an inspiration to many people and he is a worldwide icon now.
Has anyone seen this? I love to see it when people get what they have comming.
A great win for the antibullying associations worldwide.
Heres a link to the video
This kid deserves it! Hopefully kids will be inspired to stick it to the man and stick up to their bully.
Last edited by thejesut; Apr 9, 2011 at 05:25 AM.
Show some Love.
Well it kinda happened to me at school today this guy was bullying this kid in football next thing you know one of my friends sticks up for the kid and ends with a fight.To me if someone bullies me go to someone who has power or make him give the first punch and then you can fight back by then or take the punches to get the bully even more in trouble anyways that vid was all the rage for a week or so in my school stopped bullying for a week or so too
Say: Eye Spell: Map Say Ness :3
wow someone was sayin shit like I did your mom and i told about my mom having a heart problem that could kill her and he was like good i hope she dies well the teacher heard it and got him and i went byeee and he threw his band instrament at me and the next thing i know hes in the nurses with a broken nose black eye and 2 missing teeth and bruses on his chest area, u dont run away you stick up for your self and i know that people will say that i made this up but i didnt u ppl just need to stop takin shit from ppl and just bust there fucking skull in
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Actually it's a lot better if you don't "bust there fucking skull in" because that could cause some issues...

At first I always wondered who the bully was, the big kid, or the small kid. Usually you will see the big kid being the jerk and the small nerdy kid being the victim. Well any who, I don't see why you would pick on a big kid, I would be scared to be sat on in all honesty.
Have you guys seen that thing, this little kid named LG was getting pushed around at a baseball thing by another kid. Then the little thing pulled ou a baseball bat and smacked the kid in the legs and then in the head, killing the bully and having to go to prison for 12 years.
Originally Posted by thejesut View Post

The first punch does actually look a bit fake.

Originally Posted by Faint View Post
At first I always wondered who the bully was, the big kid, or the small kid. Usually you will see the big kid being the jerk and the small nerdy kid being the victim. Well any who, I don't see why you would pick on a big kid, I would be scared to be sat on in all honesty.

This is kind of the common view of the thing called: ''Payback''. click here.
Tiny things are powerful too. don't always think that the big guys are always the bullies.

[EDIT]: The text on the video shows that the small one is the bully.
Last edited by Slau; Apr 9, 2011 at 04:05 PM.