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Need English text correction
I am working on some serious project with my friend and we need some grammar English language text correction.

I would be really glad if someone would fix every mistake i made.


Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
tl;dr but professions has 1 f and 2 s's

I just saw it, just before i saw your post. Thanks anyway :-)
'We have got huge experience with Tibia servers, our polish OTS - <server name> exists since 2007 with no character reset. '
i think it should be has/ have existed
and what is the subject in this sentence?
if it is servers, then it should be 'exist' not 'exists' anyway

'to conquer the world! There are many tasks awaiting, suitable'
better if u say awaiting 'you'

'get thrown into a cave of an archdemon only waiting for someone'
add ',' between archdemon and only
cave of an archdemon, only waiting

'Monsters you won't find anywhere else, you think you recognize that look? Let go of all the info you had of that being, because here it's completely different! Other damage range, magic that it wields, as well as statistics and loot.'
here is the reworded version below
'Monsters you will find nowhere else, you think you recognize that look? Just let go of all the info you had about that being, because here it's completely different! As well as damage range, statistics and loot. There will also be new magic that it wields, but powerful.'

'Most of the items resemble their counterparts on other servers only in names'
again add ','
'Most of the items resemble their counterparts, on other servers only in names'

'when in reality they completely new magical characteristics.'
add 'have'
'when in reality they have completely new magical characteristics.'

'spell by half, will come in handy on every adventure'
end sentence, add 'it'
'spell by half. It will come in handy on every adventure'

'but remember, none will give them away for free..'
either u had one extra or one less '.'
also the sentence is a bit confusing
here is the rewording
'but remember, they will never be giving away any of them for free...'

'Here things that you can buy don't really differ from the ones you can buy'
no idea what are u trying to say do u mean
'Here things that you can buy don't really differ from the ones they can buy'

'and or even days during when the server is online'
i think it's better to get rid of during and add ','
or another way to reword it
'and or even days during which the server is online'

'we never resetted our servers data!'
either you use 'server data' without 's' as a noun
or you can use server as an adjective by add '
so here are two ways
'we never resetted our server data! or
'we never resetted our servers' data!

'every single proposal is welcome'
should be 'welcomed' not welcome

'maybe you will be promoted to a Game Master after some time?'
you wont be 'promoted' from player to game master and use '.', why '?', it's not exactly a question
it should be chosen so here is the rewording,
'maybe you will be chosen to become a Game Master after some time.'
Here things that you can buy don't really differ from the ones you can buy, so it's all perfectly balanced!

it was meant to be like

here, things that you can buy doesnt really differ from the one you can buy from sms shop, so its all balanced

could you fix it for me? :-)
I don't quite understand, I assume english is not your first language?
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Originally Posted by ivolt View Post
I don't quite understand, I assume english is not your first language?

Yes, yes. I am from Poland. TheFail helped me though, so thanks. :-)