Christmas Lottery
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This is what happens when I Parkour...
So yeah, first time actually trying to Parkour well and I had a bit of trouble, but I think I did well for the first time.
This is what Happens when you try to Parkour.rpl

CnC nicely please. Tips/advice is appreciated.
2nd attempt is in.
I figured out how to run a bit and it works better for me than the tuts lying around on the interwebs. I gave it a try in Parkour.tbm and it worked well so I got to jump (for once) and I decided to grab my foot as a trick. I also found out that the board by the rail is there for a reason. I was going to try and swing from one rail to the other but I didn't know any better lol.

Almost Cool Parkour.rpl

Tips and Tricks much obliged.
"Just remember: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off."
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