Original Post
Some of my funny replays :D
Well, i'd just like to know what do you think of my first replays i post on the forums...

And i know the names are not very innovated, but what ever :P
Attached Files
11 lol.rpl (46.5 KB, 10 views)
11 noob rampage.rpl (74.0 KB, 11 views)
111 rampage.rpl (33.0 KB, 9 views)
111 ultimate powert kick.rpl (73.9 KB, 13 views)
lol.rpl wasn't fascinating.

But the rest were great! Especially TEH POWAH KICK! Damn, like a howitzer!
Sdamppa: clans aren't worth shit
TkL[r]liam217: your face isn worth shit Kicked: