Original Post
Weekly event #29
Weekly event #29
(only for clan and academy members)

Long time no see, uh, I mean, event.
As a members of same clan, you often play with each other, am I rite? ( ofc I'm, all hail to the big bro script )
Well then, your task is to bring me 5 heads of your clanmates! ( Decap teh fags and gief me teh replayz )

Allowed mods:
aikido ( big dojo as well )
wushufixed ( or brushu/wushu3 )
lenshu ( + lenshu3 )
betabox ( + fixed )
judofrac ( hurrrdurrrderphehehehe )

Deadline: Just be the first

1st - 6k
2nd - 3k
sounds like an epic idea im gonna join this event after I finished the video which will take not that long :3 good replays )TEO your favorite satanist
fucken exams can't allow me for decap mates ((
javascript code:
function () { alert(' you re sexy waffle ! '); };
My new wafflehead trophy case, I'll add new heads as they appear:
Attached Files
jet head 1.rpl (43.8 KB, 9 views)
azumahead 2.rpl (90.6 KB, 10 views)
tyskhead3.rpl (52.0 KB, 4 views)
scorphead4.rpl (46.6 KB, 4 views)
dgehead5.rpl (87.9 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by 1handclap; May 1, 2011 at 10:26 PM.