This is an example app that was requested by David.
Name:Hello, My name is Termic8, or most may call me Drake.
Forum activity:My forum activity would be around 8-9/10.
In-game activity:My in-game activity would be at 10/10
IRC activity:My IRC activity would be around 9-10/10
Previous infractions/bans(include the reason):I have not had any infractions.
Timezone:My Timezone(GMT) would be -5.
Best mods:My best mods are: Judo, AikidoBigDojo, and Wushu_Pro
Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining):My current belt is Brown Belt. But I am almost a Black Belt.
Why you want to join: I want to join Revenge because it is an all around good clan, and could become very well known.
Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making): My talent is Replay Making
Any additional info about yourself: Some other information about myself is that I am 15, athletic, goes outside to get some fresh air every 30 minutes to an hour, to not keep myself in my house all day.
You can now apply for ANY rank, if you want to be promoted.
The application will be freestyle, just convince me to promote you.
Good luck.