Original Post
yay for first replay thread
newest replay
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Kat - Freezing Touch.rpl (610.9 KB, 19 views)
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Pretty random and weak, in that replay it seems you dont know what you are doing.You are like "what the fuck should I do? I hit, or no, I kick instead". And you should be more destructive, do more booms, you had a chance for 4-5 dm boom, and you just did 2 dismembers. And getting in the pose was pretty messy, like a drunk man. You couldnt stand, just after 100 frames.
It wasn't that bad repaly though.
Right , I am always bad at these kind of things , I hope I'll get better in time.For an unknown reason almost all my replays are random,I guess it's just the lack of skill
Last edited by Kat; Apr 25, 2011 at 11:22 AM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Not really. You have the skill. Just plan your replay before you do something like "oh,I click joints and something good will happen".
First attempt at these kinds of things , was also in a rush
Attached Files
Kat - Definitely Not cool.rpl (111.9 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Kat; Apr 28, 2011 at 12:15 PM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
also thanks to gamerdapro for making the skeet more powerful with his awesmeness
Attached Files
Kat-You Are Insane2.rpl (499.4 KB, 7 views)
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Would like cnc for this one , especially for the pose , which i think i can improve
Attached Files
Kat - Dem Bakers.rpl (269.8 KB, 4 views)
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter