Original Post
Plain Awful...
This is my replay thread, etc..
It's bad, I need your help. C&C, as always.
These two were made for an event. A grab one.
Attached Files
glueissosticky3beta.rpl (68.1 KB, 13 views)
glueisquitesticky.rpl (49.8 KB, 11 views)
#Magnus - #Sigma
Hey don't be so hard to yourself.At least you're trying , Well , you're pretty stiff,You do many , and I mean MANY useless kicks/punches , try doing only hits that would give you a DM, you understand what I mean?
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Yeah, thanks. May be getting someone to help me with replay making, soon. Anyway, this shall undergo major changes.
#Magnus - #Sigma