Marine stuff
im sellin my marine emote plus my dq and torso now sellin marine usertxt ATTENTION TORSO HAS BEEN SOLD TO 401525973
Marine Emote
Startin bid: 350tc
Min raise: 50tc
auto buy: 500 tc
special offer
End date
:24 Hours after last valid bid
Marine dq
Startin bid: 100tc
Min raise: 10tc
End date
:24 hours after last valid bid
Marine torso(SOLD)
Startin bid: 150tc
Min raise: 50 tc
Autobuy: 350tc
Normal offer
End date
: 24 hours after last valid bid
marine user txt
Startin bid:140tc
Minraise: 150tc
Autobuy: 300tc
Awesome offer
End date
:324 hours after last valid bid
*trigger happy*
*t riggerhappy*
EDIT: I will trade 1 of my items for 150 tc and a resonable item
Last edited by Halomon360; Apr 30, 2011 at 06:07 AM.