Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Forgotten Souls] Recruiting
[FS] Forgotten Souls
Must be honnest What would you rate yourself as? :
Why do you want to join Forgotten Souls?
about yourself:
2 replays if you want.
active on forums?
anything else?

Also post on our DSC ( )
7th dan black belt
Name: ahmed
Qi: 412
Must be honnest What would you rate yourself as? :4/10
Why do you want to join Forgotten Souls?to make freinds
about yourself:bleu belt
specialtys? nah
active on forums? yep
anything else? i have 2 acc. one brown and another black so i am pro
selling black belt acc PM me
Name: john
GMT: -4
Qi: 133
Must be honnest What would you rate yourself as? : 3/10
Why do you want to join Forgotten Souls? be more social
about yourself: green belt...
specialtys? nothing really..goodish at running and swords
active on forums? kind of
anything else? have another account...
Last edited by sharingan777; May 8, 2011 at 10:12 PM. Reason: update
what belt is your other account? and yeah you seem ok you can join. will add your name once you post on the DSC
7th dan black belt