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hello everyone!i just want to ask what is the ban-bomb??i saw it while browsing the shop and i dont know what it does so can anybody tell me what is it??
its just a random collector item,
it was supposed to be involved in some sort of event, but I think it never took place
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by missuse View Post
its just a random collector item,
it was supposed to be involved in some sort of event, but I think it never took place

Wrong. It was a wibbles event a long time ago.

A few were sent out and then they were sent to random people. Those random people would send it to other random people, trying not to have it when it exploded. If it exploded in your inventory, you would be banned for 1 day. Im not really sure how someone has it now, maybe it was sold as a collectors item.
Basically it was a game that SkulFuk made. It was made as a Wibbles event and then was deleted during the role back. Skullfuk made 10 of them and then proceeded to send them around to random people. And essentially it became hot potato and if you were that person then you were banned for 1 day. The game went on for about a month before people just stopped sending them around and they decided to keep them.
It would have kept going but this was also around the same time that KiTFoX made SkulFuk leave.
They are still in the ToriShop but I doubt that they will be removed.

Also I own one, and it does noting. You are not missing anything.
Originally Posted by Toast View Post
Basically it was a game that SkulFuk made. It was made as a Wibbles event and then was deleted during the role back. Skullfuk made 10 of them and then proceeded to send them around to random people. And essentially it became hot potato and if you were that person then you were banned for 1 day. The game went on for about a month before people just stopped sending them around and they decided to keep them.
It would have kept going but this was also around the same time that KiTFoX made SkulFuk leave.
They are still in the ToriShop but I doubt that they will be removed.

Also I own one, and it does noting. You are not missing anything.

I only made 2.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you