Original Post

Clan Story
Once upon a time , there was a kid named Ecks Reem. One day he said "i will become master of all mods!" So he set out to become master of all mods. So he trained and trained, and he became almighty-grand-master-champion of all mods. When the almighty-grand-master-champion of all mods retired' he gave part of his almighty-grand-master-champion of all mods knowledge to a young warrior named linkhunter. So link set out to form a clan, a clan named after his almighty-grand-master-champion of all mods. So link and his friends are on a quest: a quest to become the next almighty-grand-master-champion of all mods, or even greater. From this day [Extreme] shall be Extreme-
almighty-grand-master-champion of all clans . So the clan was created and named [Extreme] in honor of the original almighty-grand-master-champion-elite of all mods .

From the darkest dark and the highest high - Remember that we are the insane gang. Those who question another man's bravery and determination are left in awe as WE preform what is truly hardcore. No one is more bloodier or more fired up. More charismatic or more crazier then the members of the extreme team. We will continue to carry on this legacy of our ancient leader; Ecks Reem as [Extreme] Clan. A family of wild blood thirsty lunatics, maniacs, hunters, fighters, assassins, and vigilantes. A fearless group of hell raisers. We have and will continue to cause more chaos and havoc then any living creature in the universe. Do not rest until every jaw is dropped. Every amount of blood will be shed. [Extreme] is known for defying the odds. That is our destiny, our mission and our truth . What truly fuels us is violence perfected! Those who question our own mortality. How far can we go? How far can we push ourselves? The critics who are left starstruck saying "That is extreme!" will forever more cause us to ask "HOW EXTREME"!?.


















Clan allies
Rapid Eye Movement

Drunken Masters

"Golden Rule"
We are one, We are many, We are [Extreme]

1)Everything you do must benefit the clan

2)All Clan Members must be united in their goal

3)Anyone who nothing to do with our clan should get the out of this thread

4)Anyone who joins and leaves the clan cannot return unless they have a good reason to join back

List of that not so post here,

Do not say good morning.(use the IRC)
Do not ask who is online I will send you guys a program that will tell you if someone is online.
Do not ask how is everyone doing.
Do not use this thread as a market.
Do not wright in CAPS.
Do not tell people to post an application on this thread apps is only to be made in the recruiting thread.
Do not ask what the time is "there"(Gtm's will be added shortly).

Things you may do:
Post replays,
Say what tourneys you have won.
Inform clan about Events.
Tell the clan about the latest news in toribash.
And speak about the topic that Link will provide every week.

Extreme's Clan Video
-You can give offers how make it
-You can offer songs for it.
-You can request special price place.
(You must have done very good job for clan, so don't do silly requests, because I don't wanna hear you recruited one guy once so on, that isn't enough. I have recruited 7 members).




Best Mods:

Belt(min Black) :

Why you want to join:

Can you PWN:

Do you have 50+ posts:

Do you have skype ( if yes place it here):

All applications must be sent to this thread
Link is below:

[x]10 members

[x]20 members

[x]Have 20k in the clan bank
[x]Have 50k in the clan bank
[]Host a Clan event

[]Become official

[x]Win a Clan war

[x]100 post on the dsc

[]Become a respected clan

Donate to ExtBank

In our bank = 4k
Attached Images
SecretCrest.png (3.2 KB, 1295 views)
Last edited by ExtBank; Jul 29, 2011 at 07:52 AM.
Clan Events
Clan War with [Epic]

Clan News
Cay has joined the clan
MasterExploder77 has been promoted to Evermore
Noobie has been Promoted to Co-leader
Reckless22 has left the clan
DevilZoroak has joined the clan
Falih36 has been promoted to Evermore
Naaier has joined the clan
loled101 has joined the clan
ownya has joined the clan
iCounter has joined the clan
SigSaucer has left the clan
Girlz has left the clan
Shinigama just donated 20k to ExtBank

Last edited by linkhunter; Jun 2, 2011 at 03:57 AM.
Last edited by NinjaTitan; May 20, 2011 at 03:31 PM.
Extreme's 2nd Leader-----There ain't the saints or devastating devils. There is and always will be just humans' quilty and rage with their decisions.
Best Mods: running, wushu, aikido, taekyon
Belt(min Black) : Brown
Why you want to join: i want to join cause i'm alone, i need some friends and i can help this clan alot
Can you PWN: of course i can
Desired position: Hunter of extreme
Replays: see below(i hope it's enough)
Attached Files
Dranz NG - Drunken style.rpl (160.0 KB, 26 views)
Dranz NG - Hunter instinct.rpl (223.4 KB, 19 views)
Dranz NG - EPic flying dragon.rpl (120.2 KB, 19 views)
Dranz NG - Assassin Parkour.rpl (397.4 KB, 25 views)
.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
Originally Posted by DarkDranz View Post
Best Mods: running, wushu, aikido, taekyon
Belt(min Black) : Brown
Why you want to join: i want to join cause i'm alone, i need some friends and i can help this clan alot
Can you PWN: of course i can
Desired position: Hunter of extreme
Replays: see below(i hope it's enough)

The replays are good
And well Accepted
Rank is Evermore
And sure you can have your own titles
And Here some replays from me
Attached Files
neet1.rpl (41.2 KB, 17 views)
neet1f.rpl (60.0 KB, 13 views)
neet.rpl (87.4 KB, 12 views)
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Originally Posted by DarkDranz View Post
Best Mods: running, wushu, aikido, taekyon
Belt(min Black) : Brown
Why you want to join: i want to join cause i'm alone, i need some friends and i can help this clan alot
Can you PWN: of course i can
Desired position: Hunter of extreme
Replays: see below(i hope it's enough)

Allway good application and I couldn't look replays right now, but I have played against him and he is enough good atleast. He has experience from forums use, becasue posts. So YES, but raise your belt to black as fast as you can.
Extreme's 2nd Leader-----There ain't the saints or devastating devils. There is and always will be just humans' quilty and rage with their decisions.
Originally Posted by reckless22 View Post
oh ok can i join then?
belt:2nd dan
can u pwn:ya
why u want to join?: this is my fav clan i need to help this clan to be awesome again
my goal is to make this clan be respected
desired position general

No offence but your too immature to be a General, i say yes to a lower rank

Originally Posted by DarkDranz View Post
Best Mods: running, wushu, aikido, taekyon
Belt(min Black) : Brown
Why you want to join: i want to join cause i'm alone, i need some friends and i can help this clan alot
Can you PWN: of course i can
Desired position: Hunter of extreme
Replays: see below(i hope it's enough)

Yes, i like the replays
High quality avatars and signatures 5k each or 7k for bundles.
good luck this time my bromosexuals, please add me to single allies
Playing Toribash Again! Old friends feel free to pm me, or new friends ;).
Sure Aus
And guys Vote on the 2nd leader or I think I'll just put who it is
Cuz I think we all know who it is
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

List of that not so post here,

Do not say good morning.(use the IRC)
Do not ask who is online I will send you guys a program that will tell you if someone is online.
Do not ask how is everyone doing.
Do not use this thread as a market.
Do not wright in CAPS.
Do not tell people to post an application on this thread apps is only to be made in the recruiting thread.
Do not ask what the time is "there"(Gtm's will be added shortly).

Things you may do:
Post replays,
Say what tourneys you have won.
Inform clan about Events.
Tell the clan about the latest news in toribash.
And speak about the topic that Link will provide every week.

Please give me access to the extbank (I will clean-up the first post so that it looks a lil better)

The first topic is posting 5 replays (the best you have ).

1.Best aikido match.
2.Running (any)
3.Uke pawnage
Last edited by Dad; May 9, 2011 at 09:49 AM.