Original Post
[A] Demonic Set 128x128
It was raining heavy all day, darkly overcast and dark early which is typical for a Seattle September. I decided to call one of my friends who lived up north that I hadn’t seen in a while and catch up with him, so I gave him a quick call, grabbed my sleeping bag, I've gone outside and... I'VE SEEN THAT!
He said:
-You've done too lot of bad on this world.
-What the fuck?
-You will be punished.
-Are you joking me?
Something red appeared under me and i shouted

and trail (body haven't got textures because i did it firstly):

Starting bid: 13k
min. raise: 1k
Autobuy: 25k
Resolution: can you read titles?
Recolour: yes, for 2k

story is shitty, i know
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3