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Funny Facebook Chats
Post pictures of your facebook chats.

Hopefully it isnt too explict.
Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated...

I once wrote a story to a girl about how unicorns were transformed into narwhals.

unicorns fell into a magical lake
the lake fairy game them a wish
since they had legs, and not fins, they couldn't swim
and they obviously couldn't breathe underwater
so she gave them a wish
they wished for fins, the ability to breathe underwater, and a new home of their own
the fairy told them that they would have to resemble whales in a sense, and asked if that was ok
the king narwhal, Francisco, said that it would be fine, as long as they kept the horns
remember, i'm referring to them as narwhals now
they kept their horns, were given fins, and a means of breathing underwater, but the blubber from the whale portion demanded a colder climate
so the fairy asked them where they would like to tlive
Francisco said somewhere cold
now they chill with penguins and shit
end of story
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol