View Poll Results: M or T?
9 Votes / 47.37%
1 Votes / 5.26%
I don't care! :3
9 Votes / 47.37%
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Do you think RAGE will be M?
I mean, like about a year ago, iD software announced that RAGE will be developed at a T rating. Which disappointed gamers alike. Well it looked T back then when only blood splattered on the enemies bodies, but now there's decapitation with the boomerang/sword thing and heads exploding with the sniper rifle, and blood going on the screen. I think that they might have gotten an M rating but they're prolly fixing it for the release on 9/13. What do you think?
M or T?
Dude, have you seen what iD has been famous for?
I smell an M rating, and enemy AI that will only be a little bit better than the combine in Half-life 2. That's what you call smart AI.

Doesn't matter one way or another for me, I get games of steam and every other iD game is on there soooooo...
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
RAGE already has a PEGI 18 rating, so you're looking at a M rating from ESRB.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
I smell a ban in Australia.

I will kill myself after i've killed whoever decides this shit.