[Application] Gaker
I would post this in the recruitment thread but I probably will not get noticed.
I would like to join T I wish this because I think that I am a really good replay maker and by joining this clan I could become better. I would get on Irc but for some reason it's not letting me connect with web chat or any other irc program I try to use. When I get that fixed I will hopefully see you guys in Irc.
I have practiced hard to get to the skill level that I am at and I hope It will still improve. I am active and respectful and will post a replay for you guys as much as I can. I hope you guys look into this and give me a chance in joining this clan.
I am getting a spar with jaker tomorrow.
also I am working on better replays if those are not good enough.
Last edited by Gaker; Jun 6, 2011 at 12:33 AM.