Original Post
Greetings all
Not exactly new to Toribash (although I am terrible at it), but I am new to the forums. Hello everyone, I'm Henro. *cue applause*
Welcome Henro! I think I speak for everyone when I wish you a good time at the forums, and in the Toribash Community. If you are in doubt of anything, feel free to PM me.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
Hi Guys, I just wanted to say Hi to ya'll - I played this like 2 yrs ago but now I'm back with more time and this new account, and I hope we'll have some nice matches, so c ya ingame!

TB <3
“one person will win and one person will not.”
~ Fedor Emilianenko