Original Post
Thread for selling accounts
is there like a thread for selling accounts on market? or are u allowed to sell on off-topic?
High quality avatars and signatures 5k each or 7k for bundles.
Selling accounts is not supperted by Nabi and you won't get helped if you get scammed out of your account.
No threads for em, or you'll get infracted(if i'm not totally mistaken) advertise via sig.
It's All About Expansion
Anything that involves the giving of ones password is not supported.

As said here user can get banned for doing so. Which means that if an admin feels like

banning you he can do so.
Buying or selling an account forfeits your right to receive any help from an admin or moderator on that account at any point in the future. Keep this in mind if you wish to take the risk of going ahead with an account sale, and keep it out of the forums in any case.
Quit, probably.
So, when/if I sell it, everything gets stripped? (tc, items)
High quality avatars and signatures 5k each or 7k for bundles.
You can do anything with your account (theoretically).
But when you get scammed, you will have absolutely no help getting your account back.
Originally Posted by ad3556 View Post
So, when/if I sell it, everything gets stripped? (tc, items)

No - Your account does not change at all
-It's like if you were logging in from a different computer
(except changes made by other user)
Last edited by Tekro; Jun 17, 2011 at 02:48 AM.
