Original Post
[Tex] B22X Assault robot


About 3/4 of it done, I still need to do a bit more to the shading and then add some detail.

Also, 512x512.

Feel free to give me suggestions.

Oh, and the strange light thing is the front just to let you know.

Changed the light from the back to the front because Muur was like do it and all.
Last edited by notnoob; Jun 22, 2011 at 08:37 PM.
Sold my dog to join RRO
you should add a dirty layer over it, make it look more grungy
but for what it is now, 8/10
nice concept, but overall too simple
Last edited by SlyBash; Jun 20, 2011 at 07:48 PM.
oh my the unclean version is quite smexy
try doing something about the edges where the purple meats the metal
they need some shadowing to make the metal look like it's sticking out farther than the purple
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I love the unclean version the most, the clean version's front is too blurry.

Oh, you made updates on it, it looks better now. But I still like the dirty version.
looks great try to ass eyes looks strange with out them. like unclean beter it got realism feeling to it good work.
thats preety awesome nab <3,i love the smothness and the color`s are great anyways 8/10 for the wip :P im looking forward to see the final result :3