Original Post
Legal Herb (potpourri, incense, etc)
Has anyone here ever experienced it? If so, I'd like to know your opinions of the benefits/risks/possible risks.

I've been smoking it for a few months, and depending on what you get, the high can be really great. I've thrown up on a strain called "Head Trip", and my friends claim to have gotten diarrhea from a strain called POW. I currently have a bag called Bayou Blaster, which is my favorite brand so far. It goes straight to your head, and makes you trip pretty hard.

Anyone else ever try it?
kay i would like to fight regarding this matter... first of all what is the THC percentage in each of those strains? and have you tried LA compromise? I'd say its like 19% but that stuff is dank... White widow is even better with 20-25% THC but currently im growing a plant 29% so yah these are all top shelf so blah haha
also anything can become legal herb as long as you have a med card
Last edited by joshyjojo; Jun 21, 2011 at 11:52 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
Ever think that this didn't belong in Discussion? Nobody gives a shit about legal herb and there's really not much to debate about it.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee

Well, you could debate what I presented
But I guess your view of people's shit giving on the subject are grounds to move it. At least it's still open
First of all, its not a "trip" its a high. Secondly, I don't support marijuana alternatives. Especially the stuff I think your talking about. Some call it "Spice" others call it "K2 or K3". It's illegal in most counties of the USA, fines for it are from $500 to $2000. I have also watched numerous friends smoke it constantly, then their personality changes and they start making bad decisions, they never did those things when we were just smoking pot.

The high of "Spice" is most easily described as a similar to THC feel. Unlike THC it hits you instantly and lasts for around 15 minuets, 25 if your lucky. It's more of a rush then a high in my opinion. However, if you get drug tests, K2 shows little negative mental effects when used in moderation.

Don't smoke "Spice" simply because it's legal in some areas.
[eVo] [BaKeD]
I'd rather know what I'm smoking then go by whats on the package.

If your going to do it, be safe. Even if it is illegal, at least you know what it is, no by-products or anything...
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
lool Legal herb will not damage you. but they are ilegalizing it ssoon like early early. just got news on it.
[Ethereal] | Toribash Gambling Org
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