Original Post
HunterAcid Cartoon 128x128
Hi,I just bought these Hunter and acid F&R so I want a good head that matches them,I want a cartoon head,anything cartoon,I want something unique with at least some shadows and shadings,I hate seeing stuff that looks sort of realistic,that's what I don't look for in cartoon heads.

Prize: 5.7k (may get higher)
Happy making
Redundant Moderated Message:
User has been infracted for this post (See: Art rule C)
What do you think?

Last edited by Redundant; Jun 22, 2011 at 01:21 PM.
Sure and if you notice the hunter is at the edges of his hair.
What kind of smile do you want?
(angry, sad, happy...)
Gos cool,but could you put some more hunter in the hair? I like happy smiles xD or the gritting the teeth effect ,plus one more thing...Could you give him like a beanie so the white hair in the middle would look like a part of his hidden hair?
Here you go ive made 2 versions pick one or tell me if you want any changes or additions:

(Its a 512x512 preview but i will resize it if you will buy it)

