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Bloodmarks noob vids
Yeah. Noob vids. Only been playing like a day.
Saw a vid on youtube, guy rips his lower torso off, throws it at the enemy. Attempted it, failed, didn't look too bad though. Didn't think you could rip yourself apart on 100 thresh.
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First dismem.rpl (30.2 KB, 14 views)
not so bad if it is your first day 4/10 this may inspire you:

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Replay removed. See Rule 3.
Last edited by Tamer0; Jun 23, 2011 at 07:00 PM.

Originally Posted by Termic6 View Post
Good for your first day.

Try this, everytime you touch uke, make sure it breaks off a joint.

How though. I've tried full force, cocked back, body twisted punches to the face, and he takes them like a man.