Story of the clan
One day the choosen one had a cool dream he couldn't Wait for it he goed to his computer and telled to his friends and they just laugh The choosen one created this clan and hes friends don't laugh him anymore.The END
Clan Bank count
Marine dq
Marine blood
Marine force
Marine gardient colour
Not yet
Member list:
The Great Cracker:NinoRossii
The legend Cracker(s):In search (need to be 5th dan or up )
The Master Cracker(s):LastZocker
The Junior master Cracker(s):Superjesse Blackbelt
The soldier cracker(s):Girlz,Greekdevil,Mrpawn,Ihmeukko1,Juha2200,Tailson,Xaviery75,VSauce,FazerP ro
If The Clanless want to join Crack?
Rules to join:1.You have to fill the app.
2.youhave to be 30000 Rank or Up.
The app:
Rank(must tell):
Why would we get you to join Crack?:
Why you want to join(good reason)?:
Last edited by superjesse; Jun 23, 2011 at 09:44 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump