Original Post
[TEX] Cartoon Head

I just made this, I would love to put more detail into it but I would need someone to teach me a few things to do so, so if anyone is willing to help please help. I use GIMP btw.
CnC please.

Another one:
Last edited by Praeter; Jun 25, 2011 at 03:37 PM.
Tint is sex.
The silver hair bugs and the mouth is too plain, try putting a vampitic teeth or a nerd tooth. Also put some small scars on the face, the eyes need some more details. Shading is good.
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
Great head sliver hair is good but the shape is outa place dont merge well with the rest of the hair make it a bit darker mouth is good love the looks of the eyes