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[Tex] Tron-ish robotic set
Sup, I'm posting this as Taroni has finished with most of his set, still going to adjust the details a bit though. So here it is, I'm paying 300k for this when it's done:

Low quality previews

Close up of the head with shaders

CnC :3
Three words: It is overloaded.
There are too many unneeded detailes.
Legs and thighs are too simethric.
Back of the head need detailes.
Hands are too simple. Fingers are shown as few glowing lines.
Torso is too simple.
Paradox - few simple dark and light lines are perceived, as real object.
Originally Posted by Maccross View Post
Three words: It is overloaded.
There are too many unneeded detailes.
Legs and thighs are too simethric.
Back of the head need detailes.
Hands are too simple. Fingers are shown as few glowing lines.
Torso is too simple.
Paradox - few simple dark and light lines are perceived, as real object.

F*ck yeah
Its true

~user infracted - useless comment
Last edited by BenDover; Jun 28, 2011 at 09:29 AM.
It's too random and overly complicated with lines and a few shapes that make no sense as an actual structrure.
Not worth the price neither IMO. Also i doubt that this will actually be your permanent set.
Sets like these just won't do the trick.
It is good set, but theres a pile of mistakes in it.
"Fingers" don't look like fingers, it looks like a plain square, with some neon lights over it. This time he should have made more detail on that part. But i got to say, bottom of the feet are sexy.
It's All About Expansion
okey guys i will change some , add details , do assimethry do some work with hands .

Head allready modified=)

This is just beta version of set =)

For example:

wait for more details, shadows and lights
Last edited by Taroni; Jun 27, 2011 at 08:16 PM.
Thanks for all the comments guys. Yeah all of the detail doesn't make sense even though it looks pretty. Maybe less and thicker lines? I also suggested Taroni to do some highlights and such. And I need to see the set in higher resolution to judge is the detail messy or not =P
I think this set is hard to evaluate in tc, but the most important part is I like it as I won't sell it forward ^_^ And if you think it's worth 250k now it will still be improved.