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Taek Kyon replays by madmanmad (3)
Tricksy Decap - this replay reminds me of a bruce lee move I saw when I was a kid. (I searched all over couldn't find anything to link for it )

Pull the pin
- punch out the glute and surrounding joints go with it.

Brutal precision kicks
- this fight is vs the black knight apparently. (it's only a flesh wound...)
Attached Files
{mMm}_taek tricksy (decap).rpl (74.0 KB, 32 views)
{mMm}_taek pull the pin.rpl (77.0 KB, 30 views)
Coolish - fun reach-around style decap. looks pretty nice.
130 kick - 130k dmg from 1 kick (no decap)
ahead of schedule - switchfoot (unusual style kick)
Attached Files
{mMm}_taek_coolish.rpl (74.0 KB, 22 views)
{mMm}_taek_130 kick.rpl (63.1 KB, 21 views)