Original Post
[S] ing 3 nice flames
Flame: Sesame street [Activate]
[view store item] [search in market]
Forged by undead99 on 2010-10-18 18:02:55 for the Head (2458 ).

Flame: my zawesome flame [Activate]
[view store item] [search in market]
Forged by Hanz on 2009-12-25 21:25:08 for the Head (1418 ).

Flame: Mild Rain [Activate]
[view store item] [search in market]
Forged by dragonlaye on 2011-04-29 11:47:41 for the Head (2721 ).
90k (Flame browser 2720)
Last edited by Fee; Jun 28, 2011 at 12:57 PM.
and definitely not in defenestration gaming
Originally Posted by Market Rules
.....II) Flame sales must have at least one preview with the entire flame against the default white background and without any flame texture unless requested otherwise by the buyer.

Add an image of the flame within 24 hours or I will have to close your thread.