Generic opener, but I like the slow and relaxed pace. Too bad the third kick never produced a huge boom or something like that, seeing as it sunk into Uke's chest. I guess not. The skeet looked pretty cool though. The pose and the setup for it was great aswell. Flowing into your poses make them look much better IMO.
Overall, good job and work on openers ;)
Ok, You're style is ok. You're DM'S need working on. You need to look a little bit more stiff when making a replay so you don't look like a noodle.
Try not being to stiff or relaxing the majority of your joints, keep it leveled. Though I get you're not being stiff, you're also being too relaxed. Good try though.
You get such good shots at uke! and It dissatisfies me to see them only get one or two good DMS, it's self explanatory, try booming more
Overall, good work. 7.5/10 for all