Originally Posted by
thats not really exact
*The hand can grab and cause damage by touching the Uke with force.
*The wrist can "bend"(contract) or extend the hand.
*The elbow controls the way the lower part of the arm moves.
*The shoulder controls which directing the entire arm will move(up - raise, down - lower)
*The neck controls the way the head will tilt(up - contract, down - extend)
*The two pecs control the way the arms would move(forward - contract, backwards - extend)
*The chest controls the directing the entire upper body would be going.
*The lumbar controls which way the tori will tilt.
*The abs control the tori's stance.
*The glutes control the leg's ability to open(extend) and close(contract).
*The hips control the movement of the entire legs(forward - contract, backwards - extend)
*The knees control how the tori's stance will be(straight - extend, bended - contract)
*The ankles "bends"(contract) or extends the foot.
*The foot is the best part for a successful kick.
um this exact enough for you buddy?