Official [Pure] Application Thread
This is the application for your attempt to welcome yourself into the world of Pure.
1. You must be a registered member on the forums for at least 50 days.
2. It would be a major plus if you have
Application Format:*
Picture Of Yourself**:
Why Do You Want To Join Pure?:
Were You Invited? Who Invited You?:
Include 2 replays or more:
Good Luck Applicant!
*indicates what you have to fill out. I expect you, the applicant, to erase all asterisks and say [I'm a purple duck] brackets and all, to show you have read all of the information.
**indicates that you are not required to show a picture of yourself. If you do, it ISN'T your ingame character.
***indicates what you would like the clan to know, interesting facts, etc.
Last edited by DjPz; Jan 12, 2012 at 09:21 AM.
Reason: Fixed Asterisks.