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[gfx] some kind of logo..

any ideas what to do with free space on shield? or thats okay?..
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Looks nice,except the shield could be way smoother, try smoothening it up.
and the shading on the shield is wrong.
But overall nice, 7/10
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I agree with slash.

Also, I suggest adding a unique design on the shield. It will make the shield a bit filled up.

Very nice, Overall.

Nice work, more suited to a minecraft type logo.
doesn suit the battlefield/whatever game that is scene at all

handles could possibly use some bevel/depth to match the blade.
dont like how the blade is in front on one side but not on the other. i would make both sides go behind the text, the lack of stroke on the part above the text is distracting on the hi-res
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